Poetry at Sangam



Aakriti Kuntal

Aakriti Kuntal, aged 26, is a poet and writer from Gurugram, India. Her work has been featured or is forthcoming in Selcouth Station, RASPUTIN: A Poetry Thread, Mad Swirl, The Bombay Literary Magazine, The Hindu, Madras Courier, Pangolin Review, and Visual Verse among others. She was awarded the Reuel International Prize 2017 for poetry and was a finalist for the RL Poetry Award 2018. 

Poet’s Note

Poetry is my form of survival. While much is known of the therapeutic effects, I think of writing as a transformation of energy. Once put into words, the letters dance in often unimaginable ways, have their own life and energy that then roams the world. Pain is transformed into something of essential beauty and a lot of my poetry is thus confessional in nature. At other times, poetry makes me an explorer. A wanderer, an observer, someone with a spying glass noticing the peculiarities and beauty of mundane things.

Perhaps, my favourite form though is of poetry as meditation. I like to listen to Bach or Max Richter and sit in my balcony, strangely mindful of everything around me. The process of writing in itself is one full of subtle discoveries and joys; it aids one to truly see the world.

I mostly adopt surrealistic themes in my poems. The poems use objects like body, flesh, mouth, and eye as recurrent metaphors. At other times, the poems may wander into transcendental or mystic realms where they may be seen as spiritual endeavours. My primary source of inspiration is nature. I enjoy reading, painting and a dose of science (particularly physics) every once in a while. My favourite poets include Rainer Maria Rilke, Octavio Paz, and Vasko Popa among others.

Poems by Aakriti Kuntal





Architecture of Time

← October 2019 Issue