Poetry at Sangam



Vinita Agrawal

Author of four books of poetry, – Two Full Moons (Bombaykala Books), Words Not Spoken (Brown Critique), The Longest Pleasure (Finishing Line Press) and The Silk Of Hunger (AuthorsPress), Vinita is a Mumbai based, award winning poet and writer. She was Editor with Womaninc.com from 2014-2018. Recipient of the Gayatri GaMarsh Memorial Award for Literary Excellence, USA in 2015, her poems have appeared in Asiancha, Constellations, The Fox Chase Review, Pea River Journal, Lumen, Cyclamen And Swords, Open Road Review, Stockholm Literary Review, Poetry Pacific, Mithila Review, Chandrabhaga, Blue Fifth Review, The Bombay Review and other journals and in anthologies from Australia, Africa, Ireland and Israel. She was nominated for the Best of the Net Awards in 2011. Her poem won a prize for the Moon Anthology on the Moon by TallGrass Writers Guild 2017. she was awarded first prize in the Wordweavers Contest 2014, commendation prize in the All India Poetry Competition 2014. She contributed a monthly column on Asian Poets on the literary blog of the Hamline university, Saint Paul, USA in 2016-17. She judged the RLFPA poetry contest (International Prize) in 2016 Advisory Board of the Tagore Literary Prize.  She curates events for PEN Mumbai. She can be reached at www.vinitawords.com

Poet’s Note

My poetry is a transparent thread that connects me to my experiences. Through my verses I seek to define the invisible. Pain has a penumbra of numbness attached to it and sooner or later, we veer towards this numbness. My work traces the fine shift from chaos to that stillness – a state towards which we all gravitate. Endurance, in any form, is at the core of my writing.
My work also engages with the spirituality lying dormant within us. It relies on vivid imagery and gentle language to essay a point of view – a view that is positive, hopeful, believing and healing. I try to probe the delicate balance between the surface of worldly exactitude and the depth of semantic humaneness through my words.

Poems by Vinita Agrawal

Pelt, Fur and Chamois


Another Moon Poem


Things I found in my Mother’s Drawer

Translations by Vinita Agrawal

Faiz Ahmed Faiz
← October 2019 Issue