Poetry at Sangam



SHE SET OUT ONE DAY by Savita Singh

Translated by Medha Singh

How trees finish shedding, after a time
is how a snake shrugs off its scales
similarly, the spirit unclothes a previous being

easily, this sad soul, she rid herself
of the old touch, of the body itself

all had renewed, swiftly
no guilt no regret none sprang

She dried her long hair for a long while
in the sun, one day

one day, she set out, passing
through mustard fields, all
the way up till the old lake

Upon returning, she sang her favourite song, for hours –
she continued on reading Mahadevi, one day;
on another, she went to meet her mother and to meet
several others she hadn’t the chance to, in a while

One night, returning late after an evening show
having eaten a meal made of quotidian things
she made herself a cup of Darjeeling tea, and till dawn
she heard the singing of Kundanlal Sehgal, of Malka Pukhraj

A body was content, after such a long time,
and with the premonition                               of total contentment




Medha Singh Audio (English)

Savita Singh Audio (Hindi)